Meet your "church in the park" contact!

Meet Nikki! You can contact her via email if you have any questions about the meeting place. You can also contact the group on the day 07 71 67 73 27 if you are lost (please don't use this number otherwise). If you email us to tell us you are coming to this location we will be looking out for you.
What time ?
We will meet at 11 am. If it looks like it might rain, you can contact Nikki to see if the meeting is cancelled or not (this decision will only be made a few hours beforehand).
What about children ?
We have special activities planned for children so please do bring them along!
The 11 am meeting point for the Parc Bois Préau group will be to the left of the statue of Josephine at the main entrance to the park (be cardeful as there are a few entrances to the park).
The photo below shows the main entrance and is situated at 2 ave de l'Impératrice Josephine, 92500 Rueil Malmaison.