The weekend will start at 9.30 am on Saturday 13 October and end after Sunday lunch on the 14 Octobe (about 2.30 pm).


It is at La Maison Familliale de Rambouillet. Find directions here. Accommodation is simple - 4 single beds (2 bunk beds) per room and each bedroom has their own bathroom and separate toilet. Couples will have the room to themselves. There are 30 rooms so it will be on a first come first served basis. There are also hotels near by and you could join us for the meals.


Car is easiest but there is a train to the Gare de Rambouillet (SNCF). We can organize lifts for you from the station (you can leave information when you sign up). If you have a spare seat in your car and can take someone with you, please put that information in the space provided when you sign up.


This will be a retreat for EIC Rueil and EIC Ternes. Everyone is welcome!


75€ for an adult and 60€ for a child. This can be paid in 3 instalments. If money is a problem, please speak to Nicky or KJ at church.

What will we do during the weekend?

Saturday will start with tea and coffee when you arrive. Then will have a time of worship followed by a time of teaching. Children under 12 years old will be taken care of during this time. After Saturday lunch we will have a variety of activities to choose from. There will be an hour of prayer for those interested before dinner. That will be followed by a fun evening of games for all ages.
Sunday morning, after a leisurely breakfast, we will have a worship service. There will be Sunday School for the children. This will be followed by lunch and then we pack up and leave.

Who is our guest speaker?

Keith Pugh, the father of KJ Pugh who is our Church Planting Pastor at EIC Ternes, will be our guest speaker. He is the Discipleship and Care Pastor at Alberta Baptist Church in the USA.


Children are most welcome. There will be activities for children under 12 years Saturday morning and Sunday during church.

How do i sign up and pay?

You can sign up and pay on the website Helloassos. You will need a credit card and as mentioned before, you can pay in 3 instalments (échéances). Please note that Helloassos suggests a "pourboire" or tip when you get to the checkout. This is optional and you don't have to give anything. Helloassos gives us 100% of what you pay (obviously excluding the tip if you choose to leave one).

Can I give a donation to help those who can't pay?

Yes! You can give cash or a check directly to Nicky or KJ (or put it in the offerings basket with "EIC Retreat Donation" on the envelope). You can also add a contribution on Helloassos - you will see an option "Souhaitez-vous ajouter un don à Emmanuel International Church en plus de votre adhésion ?".


Please email Nicky : secretary@eicparis.org