euro donations
Here are our bank details for a direct transfer:
IBAN : FR 76 1027 8060 8100 0209 4594 168
In the reference/comment, please note "EIC Rueil".
Direct Giving
For a secure on-line offering or donation, please use Credit Mutuel. We will provide a French tax certificate at the end of the tax year (if you pay tax in France). In "Référence", please note EIC Rueil".
dollar donations
Checks go through International Baptist Church Ministries who will provide a statement for US income tax. Make your $US check payable to “IBCM”, noting "EIC Rueil" in the memo line. You can put this $US check in the collection plate or mail it to IBCM (IBCM Inc, PO Box 833276, Richardson, TX 75083-3276, USA). More info on IBCM here.
Direct giving
Use this link on the International Baptist Church Ministries (IBCM) website. The name of the designated church is "Emmanuel International Church of Paris, Rueil France". IBCM will send you a statement for tax declaration purposes.
Please contact Anabel our bookkeeper at if you have any problems.