The Alpha Course is designed to give an introduction to the Christian faith to those who have questions. It typically runs over a period of 11 weeks, with each week centered on a different foundational question. Alpha includes a meal together, an introductory talk, and a conversation where all questions are welcomed. The Alpha course has proven to be affective in the European context.
Topics for the sessions include “Who was Jesus?”, “How can we have faith?”, and “How and why do we pray?”
EIC has been running this course for almost 2 years and it is led by Alpha missionary Judy Carmean.
Many church members have participated in this ministry as teachers, servers, meal providers, and hosts.
Our next Alpha course will begin at the end of September.
Prayer Points
necessary to run the ministry, including hosts, chefs, and members
That our church members will be active in personal evangelism to bring people into the course
That God will lead people to us who need to know Christ and are interested in spiritual matters
Take time to pray for individuals that you know who should be in the Alpha course