Who are the Pugh's?
KJ and Lynn graduated from the University of Mobile and Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.
They have spent the past few years pastoring a church in Yorkshire, England with their 2 children.
What will they do at EIC?
They will be moving to Paris in early 2018 to join EIC’s team to help us get the Ternes campus from a once a month service to a fully functioning church. Their presence will allow our staff enough margin to be able to execute every week services at our second location with quality preaching and good leadership development. They intend to stay 12-18 months in order to help us get the new church to a place where it can be self-supporting. At the end of that time we hope to be able to hire a full time pastor for the new location

Prayer Points
community in Yorkshire
French visas and administrative procedures
Time at home before coming to France
Raising support for their stay
That God would work through them at EIC in Rueil Malmaison and Ternes