Old giving page

How you can give to EIC

cash in the offering plate

We prefer to receive Euros only, but US dollars will also be accepted. Please note that we are unable to provide you with a statement for tax declaration purposes for cash received in the offering plate (even if it is in an envelope with your name).

check in Euros

This easily enables us to record your contribution. We can then provide you with an annual giving statement for your tax declaration.
Make check payable to “Emmanuel International Church” or “EIC".

Online Euro Giving

Make a secure on-line offering or donation to EIC with your bank card: all transactions go through Credit Mutuel’s secured server. For French tax payers, the bank will provide a giving statement for your annual tax declaration. Click here

Bank transfer from your French account

Please see our bank details below for setting up an automatic bank transfer. Be sure to identify it as your offering to "EIC Rueil".
Nom de la Banque: Crédit Mutuel
Banque: 10278
Guichet: 06081
N° de compte: 00020945941
Clé: 68

IBAN (International Bank Account Number)
FR76 1027 8060 8100 0209 4594 168
BIC (Bank Identifier Code)

check in $US

This is made possible through the International Baptist Church Ministries in the US. Make your $US check payable to “IBCM”, noting in the memo line “EIC Paris”. You can put this $US check in the collection plate or mail it to IBCM in the US (IBCM Inc, PO Box 833276, Richardson, TX 75083-3276). They will provide a statement for US income tax purposes at year-end. You can obtain additional information on IBCM on their website: www.ibcmworld.com

Online US dollar giving

Make a secure online donation with your bank card through a PayPal link on the International Baptist Church Ministries (IBCM) website.The designated church is "Emmanuel IC-Paris". IBCM will send you a statement for tax declaration purposes. Click here