Some Facts
A fertile and well-watered land bordering on Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia and Malaysia.
Capital: Bangkok
85% are Buddhist
1.5% are Christians, and only 0.5% are Evangelicals
Over 70 different ethnic groups

Prayer Points
The Kui, Khmu and Khmer peoples: three specific tribes in the east who are still unreached.
The Golden Triangle: Opium poppies are a lucrative cash crop for most of the northern tribes. Cultivation is an acute temptation for Christians and a formidable barrier to repentance for non-believers. The narcotics trade breeds insecurity and violence. Pray for believers and missionaries in sensitive areas.
Training for tribal Christians: The ministry of Chang Rai Bible Seminary (founded by AOI) and many other Bible schools, has yielded native-planted churches among ethnic minorities in Thailand and also throughout the region.