Some Facts
Population – 30.9 Million (210k Christians)
Government type – Authoritarian Republic
Main Religion – Islam
Source of Persecution - Dictatorial paranoia/Islamic extremism
Persecution level – Severe (rank 15)
Uzbekistan has had one of the harshest dictatorships in Central Asia. The regime will do everything possible to stay in power – all forms of opposition and deviations from the norm will be ruthlessly attacked.
Christianity is regarded as an alien and destabilizing factor. On top of this, Christian converts from a Muslim background (Muslim Background Believers, MBBs) experience additional pressure from their social and cultural environment.
Recently, the President of Uzbekistan, Islam Karimov, died after having an iron grip on the country for almost 25 years

Prayer Points
Pray for new believers placed under house arrest by their Muslim families to make them recant.
Pray that Christian women forced to marry against their wills would trust in God’s provision.
Pray for the political situation in the country with the recent death of their president