Nicky’s ministries EIC-T saving pages

EIC Ternes was launched as a church plant on Easter Sunday, 2018.  Ministry in a new church plant primarily looks like being generous with our time and investing deeply in relationships.  This kind of ministry normally happens as a whole community together.  We do, however, also see a place for age-based ministry.  Because we belong to family of churches, EIC Ternes shares these ministries with EIC Rueil.

Young Adults

Young Adults are some of the most fun, diverse, and lively groups in International Churches.  The Young Adult Group meets at EIC Ternes most Thursday evenings.


The larger EIC church family shares one youth group together run by committed volunteers.  You can get a sense of our youth group by watching this video they made here


We want children to feel fully a part of everything we do as a church, including our times of worship and fellowship.   During the pandemic, children's activities will begin downstairs in the building from the start of the service and will continue to the end.  In addition to giving more time for age-appropriate teaching, this also enables us to reduce everyone's risk while also increasing the number of people who can attend the service upstairs.